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Oleg Y. Starkov

Leading Researcher, Candidate of Sciences in Economics
E-mail: stardom (at)

Curriculum Vitae

Personal Data

Nationality: Russia
Date of Birth: May 18, 1976

Research Interests

Theory of Transition, New Institutional Economics, Mortgage Market Institutions



Central Economics and Mathematics Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences
Leading Research Fellow


Central Economics and Mathematics Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences
Junior Research Fellow, Research Fellow


Sochi State University for Tourism and Recreation
Lecturer (Foundations of Econometrics)


Sochi State University for Tourism and Recreation
Laboratory Assistant


Eva, LLC
Chief Accountant



Central Economics and Mathematics Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences
Candidate of Sciences in Economics


Sochi State University for Tourism and Recreation, Department of Economics
M.A. (diploma) in Economics

Selected Publications

Towards a Law on Contractual Savings for Housing. -Мoscow: CEMI RAS, #WP/2009/253.

Creating Mortgage Markets for a Catching up Economy: a Problem of Institutional Transplantation. - Мoscow: Nauka. - 2007. - 196 pages. (in Russian; with V.M.Polterovich)

A Strategy for Building Mortgage Market in Russia. // Economics and Mathematical Methods. -2007. -Vol. 43, № 4. (in Russian; with V.M.Polterovich) [Abstract]

The Problem of Transplantation of Housing Finance Institutions in Transition Economies: the Role of Contractual Savings for Housing. // Мoscow: TACIS, 2006. - 33 pages. (in Russian; with V.M.Polterovich)

Contractual Savings for Housing: A Mortgage Institution for Russia. // Voprosy Economiki. - 2005. - № 1. - pp. 63-86. (in Russian; with V.M.Polterovich and E.V. Chernykh) [Abstract]

Для развития массовой ипотеки в России необходимы стройсберкассы. // Nedvizhimost' i Ipoteka. - 2005. - №2 (3). - pp. 37-41. (in Russian; with V.M.Polterovich and E.V. Chernykh)

Закон о жилищных накопительных кооперативах: неожиданные результаты. // Property Relations in the Russian Federation. - 2005. - №6 (45). - pp. 43-54. (in Russian; with V.M.Polterovich)

Evolution and transplantation of mortgage market institutions. // Economics and Mathematical Methods. - 2004. - Vol. 40, № 3. - pp. 33-50. (in Russian) [Abstract]

Invited Seminar Presentations


The Ronald Coase Institute Workshop on Institutional Analysis


Evolutionary Economics Seminar, Institute for Economics RAS, Moscow


Mathematical Economics Seminar, CEMI RAS, Moscow

Grants and Awards


Stipend for outstanding economists, Russian Science Support Foundation


Grant of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research № 07-06-12038-офи «Методология разработки и анализа ссудно-сберегательных программ ипотечного кредитования» (with V.M. Polterovich and N.V. Chuev)


Laboratory projects supported by the Grant of the President of the Russian Federation for state support of leading scientific schools


CEMI RAS Prize for a series of papers on the evolution and transplantation of mortgage market institutions


Earhart Fellowship for participating in The Ronald Coase Institute Workshop on Institutional Analysis (USA)


© CEMI RAS 2009